Thursday, November 18

Art: John Dyer Baizley of Baroness

In honour of missing out on Baroness tonight, I'm paying homage to John Dyer Baizley's art, which I absolutely love and wish I could cover my walls with more.

John Dyer Baizley is the singer and guitarist for Baroness and also a painter who's done album cover and t-shirt art for Kylesa, Pig Destroyer, Darkest Hour, Daughters, Skeletonwitch, Torche, Cursed, Black Tusk, Kvelertak, Vitamin X, Flight of the Conchords.

Baroness is sludge metal and if that doesn't sound like the kind of music you'd like... who cares, give it a whirl! If you do like Baroness - enjoy:

And have a look at John Dyer Baizley's artwork! It's dark and beautiful all rolled into one.

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