Sunday, November 28

Productivity: Re-structuring MakingJGB blog elements.

Last night I sat in the at home office for 2 hours and brainstormed about MakingJGB’s structure and intent.

Here’s a bit of what my mind spewed onto paper:


My aims are to DOCUMENT my life experiences, thoughts and productivity. I intend to upload my life online.

People are already doing this by using FB, Twitter, Foursquare, etc., and I intend to take it a level up by projecting many aspects of myself into my web space.

In a way, this is a sort of experiment for a project that I’m working on. I’m also curious to see if/how people follow, respond and interact with such content.

The result of my brainstorm lead me to change my blog’s framework. Here is the top menu before:


This top menu includes everything I want to feature on my website, but I’ve now decided that I want to separate the blog content from the web content. I’ve decided that I will build an intro webpage linked at, which will feature:

- Bio/Life Story (links to a ‘first-person’ wiki I am building with WikiMedia) - Work Experience (interactive CV) - Social Media Accounts (direct links to my FB, Twitter, Foursquare, etc.) - Contact JGB Now that those elements will be on a separate page, my blog page can now look like this (the social media portion will be removed when I can link to it elsewhere):

TopMenu2 I’ve coined the term ‘life uploading’ as a means of writing and uploading documents in relation to everyday life happenings and topics of interest. I’ve added the #hashtag element with hopes that surfers will understand that this dropdown menu serves to sort my blogs by subject (as opposed to it leading to different sections of the blog/site).

I’ve also added the productivity dropdown menu because one of the things I would like to track and blog about is how I am applying myself, what I am working on, how I am getting things done, etc. The productivity menu works in the same way as the ‘life uploaded’ dropdown in that it sorts my productivity related blogs by topic.

For now, I feel as though this provides a better framework for perusing through the different topics I blog about and it separates the non-blog items from the mix. I still have to build the web page portion of the site, a task that may take some time as I have just recently acquired Dreamweaver and have yet to figure out how to use it!

Also on the list of things to do:

- Link blogger to - Make top banner in Photoshop. - Create intro webpage + link to web content. - Introduce concept & intent.

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