Tuesday, December 7

Goal: Post, track and document productivity.

I often find myself hunched over a pad of paper, scratching away at the page with a pen, noting the projects and goals I have in mind to get done. I feel a certain urge to constantly track my personal processes of productivity.

I recently decided that I'd like to turn this habit into a documented feature of my blog. Once a week I'd like to scan in my Goals and To Dos for the week and set myself with the challenge of accomplishing them.

This habit can be both a blessing and burden. A blessing in that I am often very productive and moving forward with my projects. A burden in that I put a lot of pressure on myself to constantly achieve and apply my time productively.

Over my years of experience with this productivity documenting disposition, I have had to learn that setting goals and working towards them doesn't mean I have to function at 100% and complete everything I set out to do. At the end of the week, I should feel good about whatever it is I've been able to accomplish, and not feel guilty if things don't pan out as anticipated.

I'm curious to see what will happen if I post these goals and productive processes? Will it result in creating even more social pressure to achieve? Or will I be proud to visually see proof of myself working towards my goals?

There's only one way to find out!

Here are the goals I set out for this week:

- Gym 3x (cardio, yoga, strength training) - Finish Social Media job application for The Corner Hotel by Friday the 10th. - Blog - Cooking: Find recipes for market foods, cook recipes for yummy cheap dinners and lunches. - Commence and work towards Xmas Projects. Tune in next week to see what I've accomplished and how I feel about it!

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