I’m proud to say that the 1 week detox was successfully accomplished and has in turn motivated new efforts. Instead of indulging in drinks lightly, as I had first intended, I cut the booze out entirely and managed to go the entire week without drink at all! Diet wise, I was able to cut out artificial additives and maintained an all natural foods regime quite easily.
Because I was avoiding drinking I was able to wake earlier, clear headed, and tackle my ever-growing list of To Dos. I spent a lot of time organizing web tasks for Making JGB and finally managed to forward my Blogspot to www.makingJGB.com!
Most importantly, I found myself realizing that I need all the energy and motivation I can muster to move forward with Project Make Yourself. If I’m going to make this project happen, and I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN, I need to concentrate on my ideas and the tasks that will help me move forward. Not only do I need to organize myself so that I am productive, but I especially need to be ‘getting out there’ and networking.
There are a wealth of Meetup groups out there sharing useful information and providing opportunities to connect with people from all sorts of relevant industries. Even if the groups don’t directly cater to my needs, the best way to get my project and my goals out there is first-person marketing – meeting people, introducing my personality and intent, leading them to my website, twitter, etc.
Having realized this, I attended a Meetup on Saturday night: Internet Business Ideas. This Meetup isn’t exactly the type of group I am keen to work my way into, but I felt great about going and in turn I decided that I want to set the goal of going to 1 Meetup a week. I’d also like to blog about these Meetups and share the information that they put forth for all to take part in.
So there we have it! Two new goals that are keeping me on top of my game and helping me to work towards moving forward with my projects.
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