Wednesday, January 26

Life in Pictures: January 24th, 2011

Keeping up with fitness goals, we hit the gym for a Body Balance class.


Then sat on our asses eating fruit and healthy snacks, wearing funny hats all day while watching Lost Season 5 and referring to Lostpedia for mind minders.


We made a delicious Orange Zest stir fry, inspired by ingredients in a recipe we found from The Complete Book of Raw Food (which I borrowed from the library). Here’s a clip of it coming together…

We packed up our food so as to bring it along to Plan B, a bar in our hood that allows take-out (or take-in, in this case). A desperate desire to get out of the house pushed us to clean up and head out on a date for drinks somewhere affordable (hence the take-in food, so as to avoid paying for dinner).

Plan B was closing up on a slow Monday night so we were stuck carrying around our dinner but still sauntered over to Boheme, the only place we could find that served cocktails and was still open. Our reason for hunting down cocktails was due to my strong craving for a dirty martini with delicious olive brine (mmmm, olive brine). We made sure to ask about the presence of olives on the premises and were reassured a dirty martini would be provided… but no! After ordering they took back their good word and gave me a measly lemon twist in my drink. Instead of staying for another drink, we came up with the genius idea to buy a Slurpee on the walk back and make our own fabulous cocktails at home! Result = amazing!

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We finally got to our meals, which were still warm and indefinitely delicious, and lounged around  while listening to Edith Piaf in our candlelit living room together. Cheap romantic date FTW!IMG_0278


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