Monday, April 18

A generation raised by glitz and glamour is a generation driven to obtain glitz and glamour?

I've just watched this video and it brought up a few points that I'm rather interested in.

Children are growing up in front of televisions broadcasting fictitious images and scenarios of fame and fortune. The boob tube feeds us ample amounts of footage featuring the glorious, glamourous and gorgeous and our minds become saturated with almost certainly unattainable dreams of wealth, recognition and luxury.

This will undeniably give birth to a generation that desires and expects to great extents. And yet I can't help but wonder if there is any chance that the individuals of this generation might even harbour within themselves some sort of insane, strong motivation to attain the lifestyles and statuses that were made to look attainable to them?

If we were able to give this generation tools to showcase their skills and abilities, and to organize their efforts towards making something of themselves... would they not withhold an immense inner drive to broadcast/market themselves in the same fashion as the celebrities they grew up idolizing?

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