Thursday, April 23

Marketing JGB

I can see it now! JGB - the DANCING VJ.

I am extremely expressive - through facial and body gestures, but better yet, especially through dance.

There is such a sense of freedom and comfort that comes with riding a vibe - letting your body follow through with how music affects your being and makes you feel.

I am known for my erratic (not erotic) dancing. Not because I'm a well poised and tactful, but because it is obvious that I am genuinely moved by music and am able to LET GO... this sometimes translates as epileptic thrashing or other such maniacal movement... but nonetheless, it always garners attention and entertains. People see it for what it is, as a form of letting go and enjoying oneself.

Dance is a great way to engage with audiences. This generation of kids loves to dance and show off. Look what the pop, electro, and hip hop videos of this generation have done to ‘the music video’. They’re spectacles of dancing and ‘looking the part’. Everyone just wants to look and feel cool. The amount of dance crews (and dance crew wannabes) out there is prolific.

Marketing my personality to younger audiences should be rather easy. Tween & teens look up to people who have their own personal style (‘look cool’) and have strong personalities – they especially like those ‘cool people’ who accept them and engage with them. They are drawn to such people and are very much influenced by them. I would love nothing more than to be that influential person they look up to.


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