I've always believed that the most intensive and productive way to learn is through mentoring - by way of a one-on-one experience the mentor is able to guide, share expertise, provide tips and shed light on lessons learned the hard way. The mentor is also usually an established professional who has access to connections that will enable the mentoree to move forward, if worthy and/or sought out.
There is one person whose path I would like to follow. Someone whom I identify with, someone whose shoes I'd like to fill, whose steps I'd like to follow. I'm pining to find a way to get my start where he started off and where he finds himself now is where I'd ultimately like for my career to lead.
I'd like to figure out exactly what it is that I'm capable of and, more importantly, how I'm going to go about pursuing it. This industry is one where I will have to take initiative on my own and go out of my way to seek out attention and make the right people aware of my abilities.
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