Saturday, June 19

Housewarming date set; finishing home touches under way.

In honour of finally setting our housewarming party date, we set out to IKEA today to pick up the final touches in decorating the apartment. It's already looking pretty schnazzy with our 26 Ralph Steadman inklings adorning the wall in a familiar linear fashion and our film stills and poster collection. I've spent the evening framing some of Sean's band posters for the upstairs office. We've got an artsy, film theme downstairs and upstairs is the music room. When we have more time and resources I'd like to put up some old liqueur ads in the kitchen area (for that classy, France-esque feel) and eventually the stairway (with the skylight and glass cube wall) will be flooded with pictures of friends, family and other things we hold dear. Will be sure to share pics of the house when it's all spruced up pre-party!


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