Much like Girl Talk's album above, you can watch this entire doco for free online. This ease of access is made available to you for one important reason - because these artists are fighting for our right to share and create!
Much like Girl Talk's album above, you can watch this entire doco for free online. This ease of access is made available to you for one important reason - because these artists are fighting for our right to share and create!
I am JGB.
I am on a mission to Make Myself.
Make Myself? Well you see, since as early as I can remember, it's always been my life's work to learn about and become aware of myself; my strengths, my weaknesses, my utmost potential. I have challenged myself, overcome obstacles and thus made myself into the person that I am today.
I've made it to this point and I can't stop now! Neither wealth nor stature will pave my way, I have goals and dreams to realize and goshdarnit I'll do everything within my power to educate, motivate and make myself!
Making JGB is a life documentation project in which I am using Web 2.0 and Social Media to introduce myself (life uploaded), tell my story (wiki), track my efforts (productivity, projects) and thus document my way towards making a living out of my passions, skills and abilities.
I believe we all have the ability to make ourselves, we only need the inspiration, motivation and tools to do so!
Please contact me for any type of motivation - I have a gift for inspiration, I love to reach out and connect!
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