Tuesday, August 16

WordPress Multisite: How To for Beginners

I’ve been struggling to setup WordPress MultiSite. The few times I tried to follow tutorials online, I was thrown off because they all referered to dealing with an FTP program, which I’ve never used and know little about. I called upon the help of more experienced friends but our schedules haven’t allowed for any progress so I’m now determined to figure this out and create a tutorial for beginners.

For starters, if you are not using an FTP client, you will have to access your File Manager through cPanel which you have access to through your web host (my webhost is Bluehost).

cPanel --> File Manager. Find the file named ‘wp-config.php’, click on it and from the top menu choose ‘Edit’, as per below:


Once ‘wp-config.php’ is open and ready for edit, all you have to do is paste in the following code

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

You can paste it anywhere but I would recommend placing it above ‘// **MySQL settings…’, as per below:

WPMU How To 2

Once you have done that, you should be able to access the network page from Tools » Network.

To do this, log in to your Wordpress account, click on Tools in the left-hand sidebar and then click on Network Setup.

After you define the name of your network step-by-step instruction will appear to help you create the network within your WordPress account, as per below:

WPMU How To 4

For Step 1: You will need to create a directory within your ‘wp-content file’. To do this, go back into your File Manager in cPanel and locate ‘wp-content’ in the left-hand breakdown of folders. Double-click on ‘wp-content’ and you will see the folders contained within it. In the top menu you will see a New Folder icon – click this and a box will appear, as per below:

WPMU How To 6

Make sure your New Folder is being created in: ‘/public_html/wp-content’

For Step 2: You will need to go back into your File Manager in cPanel and double-click on ‘public_html’ on the left-hand side. Find ‘wp-config’, click on it and choose ‘edit’ from the top menu, like above.

You will need to paste and save the following above ‘/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */’:

define( 'MULTISITE', true );
define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false );
$base = '/';
define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'www.makingjgb.com' );
define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' );
define( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
define( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );

For Step 3: I recommend going back to your cPanel and clicking on File Manager. The following menu should pop up and you will have to check the box entitled ‘Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)’ and press Go.

WPMU How To 5

You will now be able to locate the file ‘.htaccess’ in ‘public_html’. Click on this file name and click Edit on the top menu bar.

Add the following between ‘# BEGIN WordPress’ and ‘# END WordPress’, as per below:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

# uploaded files
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]

# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule  ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
RewriteRule  ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

WPMU How To 7

If there is any code above ‘# BEGIN WordPress’, it can be deleted.

Once you have completed all these steps, you will have to log out of WordPress and log in again.

You should now be able to access you Network! As per the image below, you can find your Network Admin in the pulldown menu on the top right-hand side portion of your WordPress Dashboard:

WPMU How To 8

You did it! You can now create multiple sites within your main blog! If you have any troubleshooting questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Sites that were useful to me in the process of figuring all this out:


Note: If you read through tutorials as above and find that you don’t understand some of the terminology, I recommend you Google search specifically what you don’t understand! Such as: ‘How to open wp-config.php’. It can also be useful to read other users troubleshooting comments.

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Tuesday, August 2

Life in Pictures

I’ve spoken of Life Documentation for quite a while now, but I’ve struggled to put it into practice.

I love the notion of capturing life in a specific time and place through imagery, static or moving. I want to remember what I looked like, what I wore, where I lived and spent my time. I want to be reminded of people, places, things and thoughts perhaps forgotten. I love the idea of being able to share my life with others close and far, from the past, present and future through depictions of reality.

I have a tendency for taking pictures and am often motivated to make videos, but I often hold back from posting for fear of being misinterpreted as self-indulgent or narcissistic. Nonetheless, I have a vision and a project to uphold and thus I will be posting trinkets of my everyday weekly life in pictures in such postings.

A taste of Spring came about this weekend. I felt the urge to get out of the house and do some writing, so I setup shop in the park on a picnic blanket with my trinkets. I started writing a blog about my running progress, but then it turned into a long piece about quitting smoking and now I’m realizing that it might be three pieces on quitting smoking, getting healthy and running. I’ve always had trouble being brief with my writing. I’m now making efforts to edit my pieces and break them down based on content.

Have I told you how much I love the park in front of our house? We call it the Front Yard. It’s such a great thing to have so close to home. There are always dog pow wows going on all over, which I’m very jealous of. If only I had a dog, I could meet and get to know all my neighbours. If only I had a dog, we could go for walks and runs and park hang outs. If only I didn’t have dog allergies, I could do all of these things. Sigh. IMG_0450

I sat and watched the sun set in my park while I did some pondering and writing. The sky was exceptionally colourful on this Sunday evening. Don’t you think?

Once the sun had set and the cold settled in, I walked through the park to our humble abode. We like to think of it as our own little Melrose Place on the Park, minus all the drama that is.


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Sunday, July 31

James Blake (Splendour Sideshow) @ The Prince Bandroom – 27/7/11

Out of the blue, my boyfriend got me a crew pass for this Splendour Sideshow in Melbourne.
I had previously Googled James Blake when I heard Sean was going to be driving him and his crew around, but everything I found online was quite tame in comparison to the baffling live experience my eyes and ears were privy to at this 2nd of two sold out Melbourne performances.

When you first hear James’ voice, your ears perk up to a soothing sonic register seldom heard. Channeling tones in the tune of Aaron Neville, his pitch is a remarkably well controlled vibrato. Joined by a guitarist and drummer while playing live, together they master looping techniques, effect pedals and sampling with seeming ease and expertise. Their creations are surprisingly soulful thanks to James' signature swoon and Stand By Me-esque piano melodies.

But perhaps you heard he was a dubstep artist? Well, yes, some layers of his music do weave in and out of heavy electronic droning with overwhelming bass lines and sampling familiar to the dub style, but there are many other layers here worth mention. A few tracks on his album, notably Lindisfarne I, are gospel inspired, while other songs bring forth irregular beat timing reminiscent of the garage style made popular in the UK. It seems everyone is trying to find a label for this music and many are going so far as to say James Blake is 'changing the concept of music'. It's remarkable to see what artists like James are capable of achieving with electronic sound these days. Manipulating loops and effects live and in sync is far more complicated than it looks.

Notice some of the looping techniques in this video

One thing's for sure, this music is best experienced live. James' stage presence is quaint and humble, he sits down to his synthesizer/keyboard setup and the room sits quiet in anticipation. Soft sounds slowly surround while all three musicians cleverly loop their creations together. The beat builds and grows until suddenly the bass booms through you as if you were immersed in a Gaspar Noe film, your head lost and spinning, your heart grounded and pounding.

I don't normally film artist's live but I was so blown by this performance that I decided to take it upon myself to do some promotions and marketing for him as a justification for capturing his content. Here below I've compiled the best content I could find on James Blake, with hopes it will entice you to support and share more about this talented newcomer.

A taste of the build up.

Live From Abbey Road (BBC) - Interview + 'Lindisfarlan' Live

The Wilhelm Scream - Live on Later with Jools Holland

Limit To Your Love Official Music Video

People all over the world have gone crazy for remixing his repertoire of music, especially dub style. Soundcloud is amass with it.

Also of worthy mention, Marques Toliver was the opening support at this Splendour Sideshow. An ex-busker from New York, his confidence and charisma made me smile. His drive to succeed is undeniable and I hope his efforts are rewarded.

Marques Toliver

Now that you've had a taste, I highly recommend you check out James Blake's self-titled album (available on iTunes here), and/or see him live if you have the chance. He's inspiring young talent doing something new and different - get into it!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jamesblakemusic?sk=info
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/jamesblake
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/jamesblakeproduction
Official: http://jamesblakemusic.com/
Tumblr: http://1-800-dinosaur.tumblr.com/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/jamesblakeproduction
Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/James+Blake

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Tuesday, July 26

Understanding Registrars and Transferring Domains - Go Daddy and Bluehost

At first thought I wanted to get a friend to setup my domain and server, but then it was brought to my attention that I would have to be working with these tools on my own quite regularly, and so now I’m on a mission to understand what they are and what they do. Hopefully this entry will help you to click-through and understand too.


I'm using Go Daddy as my registrar (where I registered my domain: makingjgb.com) and Bluehost as my domain server (where I want to host my files and information for makingjgb.com). I could have just bought Go Daddy’s server service, but they charge a lot more money and I’ve heard bad reviews. I am now trying to get my domain name (makingjgb.com) to  be hosted on my Bluehost server.

Registries, Registrars, and You
This bit of information reveals that Go Daddy is a registrar, which means that they act like leasing agents – they work between the registries (those who control and set the rules for .com and .net domain names) and the customer service client to assist with details of domain registration.


Transferring a Domain Away from Go Daddy
Transferring to a different registrant means moving your settings to a different registrant (current domain settings like nameservers, email, blog, hosting etc. are likely to be lost). Go Daddy doesn’t want you to move to another registrant, because they want your business, so they suggest you point your other domain to Go Daddy, but we want to move everything over to Bluehost.

Here are the steps to follow within Go Daddy:

- Log in to your Go Daddy Domain Manager.
- Click on the domain you would like to manage (makingjgb.com, in my case).
- In the Domain Information column, next to ‘Locked’ click ‘Manage’. Follow the instruction to unlock.
- In the Domain Information column, next to ‘Authorization Code’ click ‘Send by Email’. An email with the verification code (EPP code) will be sent to your email.

And now here are the steps to follow within BlueHost: Transferring Domain To Us

- Log into your Bluehost cPanel and click the Domain Manager tab at top of the screen.
- Select the domain you wish to transfer from the list.
- To the right of the domain, under the "Main" sub-tab, click on the link "Transfer this domain to your account".
- Read the information presented and provide the EPP code then click continue.
- We will now send an email containing a second verification code to the administrator email address.
- Enter the second verification code and click continue.
- Select the options you require for nameservers, Autorenewal, Contact Information, Privacy and agree to the Terms of Service. Click "Add transfer to shoppingcart". (You don’t have to pay, there are free options).
- Complete the checkout process.

Here is a video tutorial, if the above isn’t enough!

The approval process is said to take 5-7 days. If you’re lucky, you should be done now!

If you’re unlucky, you might find yourself in the following situation:

Once I had completed all of the above, I received an email from Bluehost stating that the transfer was in process, pending Go Daddy’s approval. I then received an email from Go Daddy entitled: REGISTRANT TRANSFER DENIED, informing me that the transfer of my domain was denied because I had updated my address (registrant information) recently, and thus wouldn’t be able to transfer my domain for SIXTY DAYS!

Registrar Transfer Denied

Apparently Go Daddy does this for security reasons, and to hold onto domains (i.e. make money off them), and there is pretty much nothing you can do about this! The ‘transfer denied’ email should provide you with a specific date your domain will be transferrable on.

In the meantime, all you can do is update your nameservers and point your domain name to BlueHost. Here is how you can do this:

- Log in to your Go Daddy Domain Manager.
- Click on the domain you would like to manage.
- In the Nameservers column, click Set Nameservers’.
- Opt for ‘I Have a Specific Domain Server’ and add ‘NS1.BLUEHOST.COM’ to the first field and ‘NS2.BLUEHOST.COM’ to the second field.
- You will be prompted with a notice stating that the process will take 2 hours.

Questions? I’d be happy to help you figure it out! Comment below.

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Monday, July 11

What's this Google + all about?

This week I've witnessed numerous Facebook statuses requesting invites to Google+, quickly followed by declarations to the tune of: "It's just Facebook by Google".

googleplus like

Quite obviously the layout to Google+ resembles that of Facebook's and there are surely reasons behind this. People don't respond well to change. Can you think back to the last few times Facebook has changed their layout? Do you recall an onslaught of posts and groups related to 'Bring back the old Facebook!!'?

Old Facebook3

I've always loved watching this aversion to change. Everyone freaks out at the thought of having to do something differently or learn something new. This phenomenon can be witnessed in so many everyday life situations: politics (new carbon tax!?), menu options (no more steak cut fries!?), beauty products (favourite hair colour discontinued!?), etc, etc. Change is introduced, we react wildly, time takes toll, we get used to the new and it eventually becomes the norm. Rinse. Repeat. It happens as ordinarily as washing your hair.

Surely Google+ has introduced this layout so as to make the transfer from one social network platform to another as seamless as possible. Over time I'm sure new features and layouts will be introduced (and reacted to), but for now I presume Google is trying not to scare everyone away from having a play. Similarities aside, there are quite a few interesting features to Google+:


Ever since 'liking' something on Facebook turned into either a marketing endorsement or a novelty button for all things worthy of waving a stick at, I’ve stopped liking things (on Facebook, that is).

What I like about +1s is that you can go to a person’s profile and see what they’ve uncovered in their recent time spent online. If I share close taste with a friend, I know to check out their +1s to let them do the work of finding items of interest online. Or if I’m just curious to see what my acquaintances have been perusing online, now all I have to do is click over to see the online paths they’ve followed.


Upon playing with Circles as a ‘friending’ feature, I realized that I could essentially follow whomever I wanted to, like I would with Twitter, and see much more than 140 characters. I also like the idea of being able to cater various aspects of my online presence to personally picked portions of people. Google+ is encouraging the creation of very specific social groups - ‘Art Crew’, 'B-ball Team', 'Film Class'.


Google has dabbled in internet search. And by dabbled I mean laid the foundation for and revolutionized. It’s no surprise that they’ve included their forte into this framework. The spark feature is like having easily accessible Google alert tags (coined 'interests') that make specific searches simple to share. As per the below, nerding out online is now considered cool conduct.


I have yet to play with this feature, but I love the way it’s presented in the video. Huddling here refers to gathering a few people together and starting a virtual conversation before meeting up in person. I’ve witnessed many a Facebook status compile 37 comments worth of friends trying to agree on a place to go out for dinner before a show. Why not have a huddle and figure things out in your own special space?


It’s been done before, but here it’s free and integrated into your social circles. Hangouts allow for video chat between up to 10 people. I get the impression that not everyone is comfortable with video chat, as of yet. It can be very straightforward and even intimidating for some. But for those who can comfortably make use of it, it should be taken advantage of. Google has put some thought into this feature, it figures out which person is talking and focuses the video stream on them until someone else takes over. I’m looking forward to trying it out with friends back home, whom I’d love nothing more than to hangout with in the comfort of my own home. Hangouts could also be useful for meetings or brainstorm sessions in a conference type setting with collaboration teams or peers.

Instant Upload

Last but not definitely not least, the instant upload feature is one of my favourites. Over the past few days I've found myself taking more pictures on my phone. Normally I would feel overwhelmed by the many ways that I could share the capture (instagram, flickr, facebook, picasa??). Just knowing that the images in my surroundings are easy to share with specific people or social groups made me snap away at the chance to show something off and start a conversation. For those of you without a handheld Google machine: finally I have something you envy! (I’m sure there will be iPhone versions for you soon).

One last seal of approval I’d like to stamp – the integration of all your Google products in one place is undeniably convenient and will surely become more agile as everyone jumps on board.

Google Plus Cruise Ship

Google is intermittently opening the invitation flood gates on a daily basis. As of yet, it’s hard to fully understand and take part in the experience that Google+ is setting out to provide. Nonetheless, my initial sentiments are (quite clearly) positive and open to new possibilities. I can’t help but hope that this causes a stir in social network platform development.

What do you think of Google+? Can and should it compete?

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Wednesday, June 29

Publishing in the Digital Age: Nimble Content

Tonight, instead of our usual potluck dinner social session, the #techgirlsdinnerclub hit the city streets for a talk on Publishing in the Digital Age hosted by UX Melbourne. The special event was held at Horse Bazaar, a really cool little hole in the wall with great decor and an impressive audio-visual setup catering to, I assume, many various types of arts/music/presentation events. They even had a Tuesday special $10 dumpling deal that included a 10 minute massage (!), and though their snack menu was tempting, it was the $6 mulled wine that won me over (a delicious tonsil town xmas party!). Horse Bazaar

Rachel Lovinger was the speaker, hailing from New York where she works for Razorfish, a marketing company whose mission intent it to ‘build great brands by creating engaging experiences for consumers’. If you ask me, this intent sounds much like what any marketing company would attempt to achieve for a client, but Razorfish has campaigns with Mercedes Benz, CNN, Microsoft, The New York Times… so they must be doing something right?

Personally, I’m interested in publishing because I believe in this crazy notion that one day we will all be publishing our own content based on our interests, as opposed to content being published for us in this respect. I’m not quite sure how this will come about, but as the ‘times are ever a-changin’ (and fast), it has become one of my goals to inform myself more on the topic.

So here’s what I was able to grasp/jot down:

NIMBLE content (Rachel’s specialty and emphasis) = Content that machines can understand.

Content needs to be free (like a bird, not like beer). ---> (Ha!)

It must travel freely, as in be: socially-enabled, mobile friendly and on-demand.

It must retain context and meaning, as in: content needs to include mark-up language/tags that provides and links to provides meaningful information.

It must be structured, well defined and well described, as in : information separated from presentation and segmented into usable bits.

An important aspect of Nimble content is Linked Data: Data that is related and already created by someone else, that can be mapped to your data.

So… Revenue Models?
- Provide premium services (apps, ‘pro’ accounts).
- Online advertising
- Thematic matching.

Revenue can come from: Customers, partners, advertisers, governments/not-for-profits.

Those working in the age-old publishing industry must look at their roles differently in the new digital age. Content distribution now = Channels, Devices and Platforms.

I found this part especially interesting – Editors now become Curators of content.
- They must compile content from a variety of sources.
- Use archived content, provide context and meaning.
- Manage ad partnerships.

I found all this information to be suitably simple and it provided great food for thought. If you’re more tech savvy, then have a look through this much more advanced slideshow I just came across, which is clearly what Rachel usually presents to IT crowds worldwide!

Also, if you’re interested in this conversation, be sure to check out Rachel’s super-fly web-publication on the topic @ http://nimble.razorfish.com/

--- JGB (www.makingjgb.blogspot.com)

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Monday, June 6

Challenge: The 4 Hour Body

Sean and I have taken on a health challenge. Winter usually brings about laziness and gorging over comfort foods. Instead of putting on the winter weight, we’ve decided to challenge ourselves with a slow-carb diet. Ideally, we’d like to eat and exercise consciously throughout the winter so that once Spring comes about we’re in the right position to get Summer fit.

The 4 Hour Body is written by Tim Ferriss, of The 4 Hour Workweek fame. Don’t get the wrong idea, neither one of us turned to this book looking for a four hour results! I had read reviews of the book a few times and when Sean brought it home from his family’s house, we both became intrigued by it and decided to give it a go.


At 27, I know my body habits quite well. I tent to put on about 10-15 pounds of lower body weight in the winter months, which I shed pretty easily in the Summer. I even enjoy gaining a more womanly figure in my winter months! In my eyes, full-figured women are much more beautiful than the wafer-thin women of our generation. That said, I’ve had the pleasure of being ridiculously fit and the high that comes with being in great physical shape definitely wins me over.

The Slow-Carb Diet

Rule #1: Avoid White Carbohydrates
Prohibited: bread, rice (including brown), cereal, potatoes, pasta, tortillas, and fried food with breading.

Rule #2: Eat the Same Few Meals Over and Over Again
Eat as much as you like of the items below, but keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them.

- Eggs
- Chicken breast or thigh
- Beef
- Fish
- Pork

- Lentils
- Black beans
- Soya beans
- Red beans
- Borlotti beans

- Spinach
- Mixed vegetables: Carrots, cauliflower, etc.
- Asparagus
- Peas
- Green beans

Rule #3: Don’t Drink Calories
Drink massive amounts of water and as much unsweetened tea, coffee, or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk (or soy milk) soft drinks or fruit juice.
* Up to two glasses of dry red wine per night won’t do any damage.

Rule #4: Don’t Eat Fruit
The only exceptions are tomatoes and avocados. Just say no to fruit and its principal sugar, fructose.

Rule #5: Take One Day Off Per Week
You are allowed to eat whatever you want on your dieter’s day gone wild! ANYTHING. The trick is to spend your 6 days dieting thinking about the foods that you would like to indulge in, and then treat yourself to it on your day off.

That’s the gist of the diet. What I really like about this book is that it’s broken down into brief, easy to read chapters. You can pick and choose what information you’re interested in and focus your personal goals. So far we’ve only focused on the weight loss and muscle gain chapters – you can view all the chapters from the book on the www.4hourbody.com website.

We started three weeks ago and neglected to take down our weight and measurements. The first week we toyed with the diet to see how hard it would be to live with. The second week we found it relatively easy to adhere to the diet and now, third week in, we’ve become accustomed to the change in eating habits and preparations. Herbs and spices are allowed, so it’s not as dull as it may sound!

Breakfast consists of lentils and spinach sautéed with onions and garlic, served with 2 hard boiled eggs. Delicious and filling!

Lunches we eat salads with vegetables, beans and protein (tune for me, egg for Sean).

Dinners we eat stir fries or chillies. I often opt for a portion of meat with a side of vegetables and lentils.

We finally weighed ourselves today, at the beginning of week 4.

Sean: 76 kg
Jess: 66 kg

We haven’t been focusing on exercise as of yet, but we’re starting this week! Let’s see where this takes us! Stay tuned for updates and recipes.

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Sunday, June 5

Out and About: Proud Mary, Collingwood

I’d like to make it a habit to get out of the house and get some work done within a cozy cafe environment. There’s something about being surrounded by life that inspires me to write.

I’m making it a point to check out a few different popular hangs in our surrounding neighbourhoods: Collingwood, Fitzroy, Clifton Hill and Northcote. Also leaning towards spots that offer free wifi.

I read a number of positive reviews on Urbanspoon for Proud Mary, a relatively new breakfast/brunch/lunch hotspot.

Proud Mary on Urbanspoon

When I arrived at 10:30am it seemed as though all the tables were taken, but one of the waitresses shuffling about reassured me she could fit me in somewhere close to an outlet for my laptop. Most of the tables at Proud Mary are large communal tables with quirky stools more comfortable than they appear. I was eager to log onto the free wifi and tackle my web ‘to dos’, but was advised with remorse that the wifi was down (without question).

View Proud Mary

Proud Mary is high-ceiling spacious, clean, minimalist stylish and has a warm brick wall feel to it. I can imagine it might get loud during high-traffic hours, but my impression was of positive high energy. I ordered my usual large soy latte and was pleased when it came within 5 minutes in a wide-mouthed glass, along with a remarkably large glass bottle of water. The coffee was deliciously smooth and perfectly strong, just to my liking. Based on previous reviews, it’s my understanding that Proud Mary was opened by coffee aficionados who like to geek out on coffee paraphernalia, which is displayed amongst it’s walls. photo (1) A lot of the early lunch clientele consisted of either students with laptops, newspaper readers or lovely elderly luncheon ladies/couples. I got the impression a lot of the patrons were returning customers and everyone seemed pleased with the food and service. As I was eyeing the specials board, a different waitress offered to help me find something on the menu that I catered to my dairy allergy. She was very helpful and even offered to make some adjustments to the offerings so that I had more to choose from. Here are the menus (please note that the prices have gone up by about .50c on each meal):

Proud Mary Menu Proud Mary Menu2

I ordered the Confit of Tuna minus the crème fraiche and it was absolutely satisfying and delicious. I would recommend Proud Mary as a coffee/lunch hotspot. Staff was vibrant, helpful and happy; coffee was professionally prepared and the environment had great energy to it.

photo (3)

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Tuesday, May 31

Starting a Tech Business

Again this morning I awoke feeling frustrated. I finally have the time to work on my project, but I’m struggling to get the wheels in motion. At first figured my best course of action would be to start building a website that showcases some of my feature ideas, but I’m reminded now that the tools I need to do this don’t exist yet and I must venture to invent them!

I am trying to build a social network. This is no simple feat. If I’m going to take on a project of such stature, I have to get serious and start treating it like the huge endeavour that it is.

First steps first, I need to read up on how to start a tech business. I spent the day at the library on Tuesday, reading up on the topic. The book I found, E-Business Start-Up: The Complete Guide to Launch your Internet and Digital Enterprise by Philip Treleavan and Charles Birch, was a bit dated (published in 2000, long before the advent of social media and social networking) but it still provided valuable information on getting things started. HighTechStartUp

I felt like I was on the right path as soon as I read the Foreword. It stated that this book catered to young people with big ideas, strong ambition and dedication to get them off the ground within 2-3 years.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m completely aware of the amount of work and patience this entails. I realize that there are very specific personal attributes and skills that people must have to pull this sort of thing together… I like to think I have what it takes!

If anyone has ANY insight, please do comment so we can discuss. Lots of work ahead, I’d love any and all help I can get!

According to the book, here are the some of the personal strengths required:

- Vision: As an entrepreneur, do you have the vision of the future trends? Most high-tech entrepreneurs are strong on futurology, and how technology and the marketplace will develop. Absolutely. One of the main reasons I am pining to create my project is because I have a vision for how social media will affect and change the world. I think it’s important that we think forward and create structures/tools that will allow us to use social media in positive ways that promote our lifestyles.
- Discipline: Whether you are driven to make your fortune or to change the world, do you have the motivation and discipline to make it happen? I am without a doubt well disciplined and I haven’t let anything get in the way of my dream to bring this project to life and make a living out of it.
- Focus: Can you focus on the essentials of the business, especially, in the start-up phase. I can! It’s all I want to do!
- Evangelism: Do you have the ability to sell your idea to others – to investors, customers, staff and the media? I’ve pitched my project to people before and have had great response. I’ve been told many a time that I am the perfect spokesperson for my project.

Can you get it together?

- Leadership: Can you build a team, and get them to turn your dream into a reality?
- Finance: Can you persuade investors to risk their money to finance your dream?
- Sales: Can you persuade large numbers of people to sign up?
- Publicity: Can you persuade the media to promote you and your company?

Here’s what I learned from the book, along with personal commentary…

Classic High-Tech Start-Up Scenario

- Launch: Use the low-risk start-up model to demonstrate your business idea. Start small, raise launch funding from friends and family, and develop your product.
- Focus: Focus on an entry-level product that is 100% complete offering.
- Silicon Valley: If you are an up-start start-up wanting to make a fortune fast, you need visibility, you need to dominate the US market, you need American VC money and the associated kudos, etc. Arguably the easiest place to do this is the US.
- Share options: Give everyone in the company, from the receptionist up, share options, to motivate them. Typically 10-25 percent of the company is allocated for share options.
- Venture capital: As soon as your idea is proven, use venture capital to accelerate growth to a $100 million company.
- Promotion: Promote yourself and your business as a superstar. The ultimate accolade is to get on the cover of Time.
- Initial public offering: Aim for an IPO that will value your company at over $1 billion, or aim to sell the company to a trade buyer for $100 million to $200 million.

Valuation versus revenue: Market capitalization or valuation is often considered more important than profits.

Venture Capital’s Role

- Venture Capital model: You identify an opportunity in a large and growing market, hire a complete team of experienced and successful managers, raise millions of dollars of venture capital, and spend it to accelerate your business development.

  • However, reputable VCs in general do not provide money to brand new companies. VCs need a high rate of return on investment and therefore they will want a high percentage of your business. With young entrepreneurs, they often want to hire someone to run the business for you.

- Low-risk model: You raise a small amount of money from friends, family and other entrepreneurs, develop your product and slowly expand your business.

  • You learn to control your finances, hire people as the business grows. You deliver a better product to a few customers instead of trying to capture a slice of the world market.

- Optimum approach: Use the low-risk model to start up and then once your business is established, use venture capital to accelerate your growth.

Share Options - ‘Stock options are the oil that lubricates high-tech start-ups’

- Incentive Stock Options (ISO): If certain rules are met, the employee does not have to pay tax on the ‘spread’ between the grant and exercise price until the shares are sold. Capital gains would then be due.
- Non-qualified Stock Options: The employee pays tax on the spread just as if it were wages, and the company can take a corresponding tax deduction.

Realising your Investment

- Trade sell: Sell your business to another company.
- Going public: Obtain a share quote on one of the major stock exchanges.

Identify a Profitable Market

- Your customers: You need to be sure that people want to buy the proposed service, and that they will in fact buy from you.
- Market Buoyancy: You need to estimate how long your market will remain profitable, or the life cycle of your service.
- Realistic prices: You need to charge realistically high prices both to make a profit and to demonstrate to customers that you are a serious, professional business.

Good Management

- Controlling your business: You need to plan how your business will develop. This covers not only technical and financial aspects, but also the life cycle of your product or service, and future technical developments. You also need profits for funding longer term growth. Many businesses never move beyond their first product, and many do not generate sufficient profits to expand.
- Cash management: In the short-term, you need to manage your cash flow to ensure you have enough cash to pay your bills. A surprising number of businesses fail simply because they run out of cash to pay their day-to-day bills.
- Costs management: Most successful managing directors are good at maximising sales and minimizing costs.
- Type of business: Choose the correct legal form for your company. For most this is the Limited Company.
- Seeking advice: Look at how other companies operate – their business structures, marketing strategies, the look and feel of their products, even the design of their brochures.

Your Product or Service

This part I find difficult to pinpoint. Because my business is an online service with an advertising profit scheme, I’m not sure how to size up the profitability. Also, because my idea is unlike anything that exists, it’s hard to size up the market. Nonetheless, research will prevail.

Is it sound?

- What exactly is the service you are offering?
- Why should customers buy your offering, rather than an existing service?
- Will established competitors respond aggressively?

Is there a market?

- Market size: How many people are likely to buy the service in Australia and principal overseas markets? How many potential customers are likely to buy from you?
- Profitability: How many customers do you need to make a good profit and is it realistic for you to expect to capture this percentage of the market?
- Market share: For your target market, what market share do established competitors already have and what share are they likely to have in the future?
- Overseas competitors: Will overseas competitors move into your marketplace and marginalise your offering?

Can it be built?

- Resources: Do the technical resources, such as equipment, exist to build and support the product?
- People: Are there reliable staff, contractors and suppliers who can do the work?
- Money: Do the financial resources exist to fund the development? Investors are usually reluctant to fund the building of prototypes.
- Management team: Do you have a management team experienced in handling rapid growth, advertising, sales and global marketing? Great management is far more important than a great idea.

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Tuesday, May 24

Reading: 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die


I have picked this book up more than once and every time I sense it staring back at me with a  challenge. These findings were apparently compiled by a hundred International book critics. Here is the list of all the recommended Must Read titles. I wonder how many of these books I could read in my lifetime if I start now!?

After sorting through the list to cross off those I had conquered, I realize that my efforts towards literature are deplorable. I wonder if I could even understand the underlying messages and metaphors intended between the lines without the help of a professor? I guess I’ll have to apply myself to find out!

PS – The actual book is much more fun to read than this list is – it has pictures, summaries, bios and even nerdy theme discussions for the majority of these titles!


    1. Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro
    2. Saturday, Ian McEwan
    3. On Beauty, Zadie Smith
    4. Slow Man, J.M. Coetzee
    5. Adjunct: An Undigest, Peter Manson
    6. The Sea, John Banville
    7. The Red Queen, Margaret Drabble
    8. The Plot Against America, Philip Roth
    9. The Master, Colm Tóibín
    10. Vanishing Point, David Markson
    11. The Lambs Of London, Peter Ackroyd
    12. Dining On Stones, Iain Sinclair
    13. Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell
    14. Drop City, T. Coraghessan Boyle
    15. The Colour, Rose Tremain
    16. Thursbitch, Alan Garner
    17. The Light Of Day, Graham Swift
    18. What I Loved, Siri Hustvedt
    19. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time, Mark Haddon
    20. Islands, Dan Sleigh
    21. Elizabeth Costello, J.M. Coetzee
    22. London Orbital, Iain Sinclair
    23. Family Matters, Rohinton Mistry
    24. Fingersmith, Sarah Waters
    25. The Double, José Saramago
    26. Everything Is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer
    27. Unless, Carol Shields
    28. Kafka On The Shore, Haruki Murakami
    29. The Story Of Lucy Gault, William Trevor
    30. That They May Face the Rising Sun, John McGahern
    31. In The Forest, Edna O’Brien
    32. Shroud, John Banville
    33. Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides
    34. Youth, J.M. Coetzee
    35. Dead Air, Iain Banks
    36. Nowhere Man, Aleksandar Hemon
    37. The Book Of Illusions, Paul Auster
    38. Gabriel’s Gift, Hanif Kureishi
    39. Austerlitz, W.G. Sebald
    40. Platform, Michael Houellebecq
    41. Schooling, Heather McGowan
    42. Atonement, Ian McEwan
    43. The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen
    44. Don’t Move, Margaret Mazzantini
    45. The Body Artist, Don DeLillo
    46. Fury, Salman Rushdie
    47. At Swim, Two Boys, Jamie O’Neill
    48. Choke, Chuck Palahniuk
    49. Life Of Pi, Yann Martel
    50. The Feast Of The Goat, Mario Vargos Llosa
    51. An Obedient Father, Akhil Sharma
    52. The Devil And Miss Prym, Paulo Coelho
    53. Spring Flowers, Spring Frost, Ismail Kadare
    54. White Teeth, Zadie Smith
    55. The Heart Of Redness, Zakes Mda
    56. Under The Skin, Michel Faber
    57. Ignorance, Milan Kundera
    58. Nineteen Seventy Seven, David Peace
    59. Celestial Harmonies, Péter Esterházy
    60. City Of God, E.L. Doctorow
    61. How The Dead Live, Will Self
    62. The Human Stain, Philip Roth
    63. The Blind Assassin, Margaret Atwood
    64. After The Quake, Haruki Murakami
    65. Small Remedies, Shashi Deshpande
    66. Super-Cannes, J.G. Ballard
    67. House Of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski
    68. Blonde, Joyce Carol Oates
    69. Pastoralia, George Saunders


    1. Timbuktu, Paul Auster
    2. The Romantics, Pankaj Mishra
    3. Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson
    4. As If I Am Not There, Slavenka Drakulic
    5. Everything You Need, A.L. Kennedy
    6. Fear And Trembling, Amélie Nothomb
    7. The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Salman Rushdie
    8. Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee
    9. Sputnik Sweetheart, Haruki Murakami
    10. Atomised, Michel Houellebecq
    11. Intimacy, Hanif Kureishi
    12. Amsterdam, Ian McEwan
    13. Cloudsplitter, Russell Banks
    14. All Souls Day, Cees Nooteboom
    15. The Talk Of The Town, Ardal O’Hanlon
    16. Tipping the Velvet, Sarah Waters
    17. The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver
    18. Glamorama, Bret Easton Ellis
    19. Another World, Pat Barker
    20. The Hours, Michael Cunningham
    21. Veronika Decides To Die, Paulo Coelho
    22. Mason & Dixon, Thomas Pynchon
    23. The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy
    24. Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden
    25. Great Apes, Will Self
    26. Enduring Love, Ian McEwan
    27. Underworld, Don DeLillo
    28. Jack Maggs, Peter Carey
    29. The Life Of Insects, Victor Pelevin
    30. American Pastoral, Philip Roth
    31. The Untouchable, John Banville
    32. Silk, Alessandro Baricco
    33. Cocaine Nights, J.G. Ballard
    34. Hallucinating Foucault, Patricia Duncker
    35. Fugitive Pieces, Anne Michaels
    36. The Ghost Road, Pat Barker
    37. Forever a Stranger, Hella Haasse
    38. Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
    39. The Clay Machine-Gun, Victor Pelevin
    40. Alias Grace, Margaret Atwood
    41. The Unconsoled, Kazuo Ishiguro
    42. Morvern Callar, Alan Warner
    43. The Information, Martin Amis
    44. The Moor’s Last Sigh, Salman Rushdie
    45. Sabbath’s Theater, Philip Roth
    46. The Rings Of Saturn, W.G. Sebald
    47. The Reader, Bernhard Schlink
    48. A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry
    49. Love’s Work, Gillian Rose
    50. The End Of The Story, Lydia Davis
    51. Mr. Vertigo, Paul Auster
    52. The Folding Star, Alan Hollinghurst
    53. Whatever, Michel Houellebecq
    54. Land, Park Kyong-ni
    55. The Master Of Petersburg, J.M. Coetzee
    56. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Haruki Murakami
    57. Pereira Declares: A Testimony, Antonio Tabucchi
    58. City Sister Silve, Jàchym Topol
    59. How Late It Was, How Late, James Kelman
    60. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres
    61. Felicia’s Journey, William Trevor
    62. Disappearance, David Dabydeen
    63. The Invention Of Curried Sausage, Uwe Timm
    64. The Shipping News, E. Annie Proulx
    65. Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh
    66. Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks
    67. Looking For The Possible Dance, A.L. Kennedy
    68. Operation Shylock, Philip Roth
    69. Complicity, Iain Banks
    70. On Love, Alain de Botton
    71. What A Carve Up!, Jonathan Coe
    72. A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth
    73. The Stone Diaries, Carol Shields
    74. The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides
    75. The House Of Doctor Dee, Peter Ackroyd
    76. The Robber Bride, Margaret Atwood
    77. The Emigrants, W.G. Sebald
    78. The Secret History, Donna Tartt
    79. Life Is A Caravanserai, Emine Özdamar
    80. The Discovery Of Heaven, Harry Mulisch
    81. A Heart So White, Javier Marias
    82. Possessing The Secret Of Joy, Alice Walker
    83. Indigo, Marina Warner
    84. The Crow Road, Iain Banks
    85. Written On The Body, Jeanette Winterson
    86. Jazz, Toni Morrison
    87. The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje
    88. Miss Smilla’s Feeling For Snow, Peter Høeg
    89. The Butcher Boy, Patrick McCabe
    90. Black Water, Joyce Carol Oates
    91. The Heather Blazing, Colm Tóibín
    92. Asphodel, H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
    93. Black Dogs, Ian McEwan
    94. Hideous Kinky, Esther Freud
    95. Arcadia, Jim Crace
    96. Wild Swans, Jung Chang
    97. American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis
    98. Time’s Arrow, Martin Amis
    99. Mao II, Don DeLillo
    100. Typical, Padgett Powell
    101. Regeneration, Pat Barker
    102. Downriver, Iain Sinclair
    103. Señor Vivo And The Coca Lord, Louis de Bernieres
    104. Wise Children, Angela Carter
    105. Get Shorty, Elmore Leonard
    106. Amongst Women, John McGahern
    107. Vineland, Thomas Pynchon
    108. Vertigo, W.G. Sebald
    109. Stone Junction, Jim Dodge
    110. The Music Of Chance, Paul Auster
    111. The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien
    112. A Home At The End Of The World, Michael Cunningham
    113. Like Life, Lorrie Moore
    114. Possession, A.S. Byatt
    115. The Buddha Of Suburbia, Hanif Kureishi
    116. The Midnight Examiner, William Kotzwinkle
    117. A Disaffection, James Kelman
    118. Sexing The Cherry, Jeanette Winterson
    119. Moon Palace, Paul Auster
    120. Billy Bathgate – E.L. Doctorow
    121. The Remains Of The Day, Kazuo Ishiguro
    122. The Melancholy Of Resistance, László Krasznahorkai
    123. The Temple Of My Familiar, Alice Walker
    124. The Trick Is To Keep Breathing, Janice Galloway
    125. The History Of The Siege Of Lisbon, José Saramago
    126. Like Water For Chocolate, Laura Esquivel
    127. A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving
    128. London Fields, Martin Amis
    129. The Book Of Evidence, John Banville
    130. Cat’s Eye, Margaret Atwood
    131. Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco
    132. The Beautiful Room Is Empty, Edmund White
    133. Wittgenstein’s Mistress, David Markson
    134. The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie
    135. The Swimming-Pool Library, Alan Hollinghurst
    136. Oscar And Lucinda, Peter Carey
    137. Libra, Don DeLillo
    138. The Player Of Games, Iain M. Banks
    139. Nervous Conditions, Tsitsi Dangarembga
    140. The Long Dark Teatime Of The Soul, Douglas Adams
    141. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Douglas Adams
    142. The Radiant Way, Margaret Drabble
    143. The Afternoon Of A Writer, Peter Handke
    144. The Black Dahlia, James Ellroy
    145. The Passion, Jeanette Winterson
    146. The Pigeon, Patrick Süskind
    147. The Child In Time, Ian McEwan
    148. Cigarettes, Harry Mathews
    149. The Bonfire Of The Vanities, Tom Wolfe
    150. The New York Trilogy, Paul Auster
    151. World’s End, T. Coraghessan Boyle
    152. Enigma Of Arrival, V.S. Naipaul
    153. The Taebek Mountains, Jo Jung-rae
    154. Beloved, Toni Morrison
    155. Anagrams, Lorrie Moore
    156. Matigari, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
    157. Marya, Joyce Carol Oates
    158. Watchmen, Alan Moore & David Gibbons
    159. The Old Devils, Kingsley Amis
    160. Lost Language Of Cranes, David Leavitt
    161. An Artist Of The Floating World, Kazuo Ishiguro
    162. Extinction, Thomas Bernhard
    163. Foe, J.M. Coetzee
    164. The Drowned And The Saved, Primo Levi
    165. Reasons To Live, Amy Hempel
    166. The Parable Of The Blind, Gert Hofmann
    167. Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel García Márquez
    168. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Jeanette Winterson
    169. The Cider House Rules, John Irving
    170. A Maggot, John Fowles
    171. Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis
    172. Contact, Carl Sagan
    173. The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
    174. Perfume, Patrick Süskind
    175. Old Masters, Thomas Bernhard
    176. White Noise, Don DeLillo
    177. Queer, William Burroughs
    178. Hawksmoor, Peter Ackroyd
    179. Legend, David Gemmell
    180. Dictionary Of The Khazars, Milorad Pavic
    181. The Bus Conductor Hines, James Kelman
    182. The Year Of The Death Of Ricardo Reis, José Saramago
    183. The Lover, Marguerite Duras
    184. Empire Of The Sun, J.G. Ballard
    185. The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks
    186. Nights At The Circus, Angela Carter
    187. The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Milan Kundera
    188. Blood And Guts In High School, Kathy Acker
    189. Neuromancer, William Gibson
    190. Flaubert’s Parrot, Julian Barnes
    191. Money: A Suicide Note, Martin Amis
    192. Shame, Salman Rushdie
    193. Worstward Ho, Samuel Beckett
    194. Fools Of Fortune, William Trevor
    195. La Brava, Elmore Leonard
    196. Waterland, Graham Swift
    197. The Life And Times Of Michael K, J.M. Coetzee
    198. The Diary Of Jane Somers, Doris Lessing
    199. The Piano Teacher, Elfriede Jelinek
    200. The Sorrow Of Belgium, Hugo Claus
    201. If Not Now, When?, Primo Levi
    202. A Boy’s Own Story, Edmund White
    203. The Color Purple, Alice Walker
    204. Wittgenstein’s Nephew, Thomas Bernhard
    205. A Pale View Of Hills, Kazuo Ishiguro
    206. Schindler’s Ark, Thomas Keneally
    207. The House Of The Spirits, Isabel Allende
    208. The Newton Letter, John Banville
    209. On The Black Hill, Bruce Chatwin
    210. Concrete, Thomas Bernhard
    211. The Names, Don DeLillo
    212. Rabbit Is Rich, John Updike
    213. Lanark: A Life in Four Books, Alasdair Gray
    214. The Comfort Of Strangers, Ian McEwan
    215. July’s People, Nadine Gordimer
    216. Summer In Baden-Baden, Leonid Tsypkin
    217. Broken April, Ismail Kadare
    218. Waiting For The Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee
    219. Midnight’s Children, Salman Rushdie
    220. Rites Of Passage, William Golding
    221. Rituals, Cees Nooteboom
    222. A Confederacy Of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
    223. City Primeval, Elmore Leonard
    224. The Name Of The Rose, Umberto Eco
    225. The Book Of Laughter And Forgetting, Milan Kundera
    226. Smiley’s People, John Le Carré
    227. Shikasta, Doris Lessing
    228. A Bend In The River, V.S. Naipaul
    229. Burger’s Daughter, Nadine Gordimer
    230. The Safety Net, Heinrich Böll
    231. If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler, Italo Calvino
    232. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, Douglas Adams
    233. The Cement Garden, Ian McEwan
    234. The World According To Garp, John Irving
    235. Life: A User’s Manual, Georges Perec
    236. The Sea, The Sea, Iris Murdoch
    237. The Singapore Grip, J.G. Farrell
    238. Yes, Thomas Bernhard
    239. The Virgin In The Garden, A.S. Byatt
    240. In The Heart Of The Country, J.M. Coetzee
    241. The Passion Of New Eve, Angela Carter
    242. Delta Of Venus, Anaïs Nin
    243. The Shining, Stephen King
    244. Dispatches, Michael Herr
    245. Petals Of Blood, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
    246. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
    247. The Hour Of The Star, Clarice Lispector
    248. The Left-Handed Woman, Peter Handke
    249. Ratner’s Star, Don DeLillo
    250. The Public Burning, Robert Coover
    251. Interview With The Vampire, Anne Rice
    252. Cutter and Bone, Newton Thornburg
    253. Amateurs, Donald Barthelme
    254. Patterns Of Childhood, Christa Wolf
    255. The Autumn Of The Patriarch, Gabriel García Márquez
    256. W, Or The Memory Of Childhood, Georges Perec
    257. A Dance To The Music of Time, Anthony Powell
    258. Grimus, Salman Rushdie
    259. The Dead Father, Donald Barthelme
    260. Fateless, Imre Kertész
    261. Willard And His Bowling Trophies, Richard Brautigan
    262. High Rise, J.G. Ballard
    263. Humboldt’s Gift, Saul Bellow
    264. Dead Babies, Martin Amis
    265. Correction, Thomas Bernhard
    266. Ragtime, E.L. Doctorow
    267. The Fan Man, William Kotzwinkle
    268. Dusklands, J.M. Coetzee
    269. The Lost Honor Of Katharina Blum, Heinrich Böll
    270. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, John Le Carré
    271. Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
    272. Fear Of Flying, Erica Jong
    273. A Question Of Power, Bessie Head
    274. The Siege Of Krishnapur, J.G. Farrell
    275. The Castle Of Crossed Destinies, Italo Calvino
    276. Crash, J.G. Ballard
    277. The Honorary Consul, Graham Greene
    278. Gravity’s Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
    279. The Black Prince, Iris Murdoch
    280. Sula, Toni Morrison
    281. Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino
    282. The Breast, Philip Roth
    283. The Summer Book, Tove Jansson
    284. G, John Berger
    285. Surfacing, Margaret Atwood
    286. House Mother Normal, B.S. Johnson
    287. In A Free State, V.S. Naipaul
    288. The Book Of Daniel, E.L. Doctorow
    289. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson
    290. Group Portrait With Lady, Heinrich Böll
    291. The Wild Boys, William Burroughs
    292. Rabbit Redux, John Updike
    293. The Sea Of Fertility, Yukio Mishima
    294. The Driver’s Seat, Muriel Spark
    295. The Ogre, Michael Tournier
    296. The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
    297. Goalie’s Anxiety At The Penalty Kick, Peter Handke
    298. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou
    299. Mercier Et Camier, Samuel Beckett
    300. Troubles, J.G. Farrell
    301. Jahrestage, Uwe Johnson
    302. The Atrocity Exhibition, J.G. Ballard
    303. Tent Of Miracles, Jorge Amado
    304. Pricksongs And Descants, Robert Coover
    305. Blind Man With A Pistolm, Chester Hines
    306. Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
    307. The French Lieutenant’s Woman, John Fowles
    308. The Green Man, Kingsley Amis
    309. Portnoy’s Complaint, Philip Roth
    310. The Godfather, Mario Puzo
    311. Ada Or Ardor, Vladimir Nabokov
    312. Them, Joyce Carol Oates
    313. A Void, Georges Perec
    314. Eva Trout, Elizabeth Bowen
    315. Myra Breckinridge, Gore Vidal
    316. The Nice And The Good, Iris Murdoch
    317. Belle Du Seigneur, Albert Cohen
    318. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    319. The First Circle, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    320. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke
    321. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick
    322. Dark As The Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid, Malcolm Lowry
    323. The German Lesson, Siegfried Lenz
    324. In Watermelon Sugar, Richard Brautigan
    325. A Kestrel For A Knave, Barry Hines
    326. The Quest For Christa T., Christa Wolf
    327. Chocky, John Wyndham
    328. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe
    329. The Cubs And Other Stories, Mario Vargas Llosa
    330. One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez
    331. The Master And Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
    332. Pilgrimage, Dorothy Richardson
    333. The Joke, Milan Kundera
    334. No Laughing Matter, Angus Wilson
    335. The Third Policeman, Flann O’Brien
    336. A Man Asleep, Georges Perec
    337. The Birds Fall Down, Rebecca West
    338. Trawl, B.S. Johnson
    339. In Cold Blood, Truman Capote
    340. The Magus, John Fowles
    341. The Vice-Consul, Marguerite Duras
    342. Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys
    343. Giles Goat-Boy, John Barth
    344. The Crying Of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon
    345. Things, Georges Perec
    346. The River Between, Ngugi wa Thiong’o
    347. August Is A Wicked Month, Edna O’Brien
    348. God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Kurt Vonnegut
    349. Everything That Rises Must Converge, Flannery O’Connor
    350. The Passion According to G.H., Clarice Lispector
    351. Sometimes A Great Notion, Ken Kesey
    352. Come Back, Dr. Caligari, Donald Bartholme
    353. Albert Angelo, B.S. Johnson
    354. Arrow Of God, Chinua Achebe
    355. The Ravishing of Lol V. Stein, Marguerite Duras
    356. Herzog, Saul Bellow
    357. V., Thomas Pynchon
    358. Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut
    359. The Graduate, Charles Webb
    360. Manon Des Sources, Marcel Pagnol
    361. The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, John Le Carré
    362. The Girls Of Slender Means, Muriel Spark
    363. Inside Mr. Enderby, Anthony Burgess
    364. The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath
    365. One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    366. The Collector, John Fowles
    367. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey
    368. A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess
    369. Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov
    370. The Drowned World, J.G. Ballard
    371. The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing
    372. Labyrinths, Jorg Luis Borges
    373. Girl With Green Eyes, Edna O’Brien
    374. The Garden Of The Finzi-Continis, Giorgio Bassani
    375. Stranger In A Strange Land, Robert Heinlein
    376. Franny And Zooey, J.D. Salinger
    377. A Severed Head, Iris Murdoch
    378. Faces In The Water, Janet Frame
    379. Solaris, Stanislaw Lem
    380. Cat And Mouse, Günter Grass
    381. The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie, Muriel Spark
    382. Catch-22, Joseph Heller
    383. The Violent Bear It Away, Flannery O’Connor
    384. How It Is, Samuel Beckett
    385. Our Ancestors, Italo Calvino
    386. The Country Girls, Edna O’Brien
    387. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
    388. Rabbit, Run, John Updike
    389. Promise At Dawn, Romain Gary
    390. Cider With Rosie, Laurie Lee
    391. Billy Liar, Keith Waterhouse
    392. Naked Lunch, William Burroughs
    393. The Tin Drum, Günter Grass
    394. Absolute Beginners, Colin MacInnes
    395. Henderson The Rain King, Saul Bellow
    396. Memento Mori, Muriel Spark
    397. Billiards At Half-Past Nine, Heinrich Böll
    398. Breakfast At Tiffany’s, Truman Capote
    399. The Leopard, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
    400. Pluck The Bud And Destroy The Offspring, Kenzaburo Oe
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    402. The Bitter Glass, Eilís Dillon
    403. Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe
    404. Saturday Night And Sunday Morning, Alan Sillitoe
    405. Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to Paris, Paul Gallico
    406. Borstal Boy, Brendan Behan
    407. The End Of The Road, John Barth
    408. The Once And Future King, T.H. White
    409. The Bell, Iris Murdoch
    410. Jealousy, Alain Robbe-Grillet
    411. Voss, Patrick White
    412. The Midwich Cuckoos, John Wyndham
    413. Blue Noon, Georges Bataille
    414. Homo Faber, Max Frisch
    415. On the Road, Jack Kerouac
    416. Pnin, Vladimir Nabokov
    417. Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak
    418. The Wonderful “O”, James Thurber
    419. Justine, Lawrence Durrell
    420. Giovanni’s Room, James Baldwin
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    422. The Roots of Heaven, Romain Gary
    423. Seize The Day, Saul Bellow
    424. The Floating Opera, John Barth
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    486. Exercises In Style, Raymond Queneau
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    488. Under The Volcano, Malcolm Lowry
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    498. Loving, Henry Green
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    500. Christ Stopped At Eboli, Carlo Levi
    501. The Razor’s Edge, William Somerset Maugham
    502. Transit, Anna Seghers
    503. Ficciones, Jorge Luis Borges
    504. Dangling Man, Saul Bellow
    505. The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    506. Caught, Henry Green
    507. The Glass Bead Game, Herman Hesse
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    514. Hangover Square, Patrick Hamilton
    515. Between The Acts, Virginia Woolf
    516. The Hamlet, William Faulkner
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    518. For Whom The Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway
    519. Native Son, Richard Wright
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    521. The Tartar Steppe, Dino Buzzati
    522. Party Going, Henry Green
    523. The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck
    524. Finnegans Wake, James Joyce
    525. At Swim-Two-Birds, Flann O’Brien
    526. Coming Up For Air, George Orwell
    527. Goodbye To Berlin, Christopher Isherwood
    528. Tropic Of Capricorn, Henry Miller
    529. Good Morning, Midnight, Jean Rhys
    530. The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler
    531. After The Death Of Don Juan, Sylvie Townsend Warner
    532. Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day, Winifred Watson
    533. Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre
    534. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
    535. Cause For Alarm, Eric Ambler
    536. Brighton Rock, Graham Greene
    537. U.S.A., John Dos Passos
    538. Murphy, Samuel Beckett
    539. Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck
    540. Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston
    541. The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
    542. The Years, Virginia Woolf
    543. In Parenthesis, David Jones
    544. The Revenge For Love, Wyndham Lewis
    545. Out of Africa, Isak Dineson
    546. To Have And Have Not, Ernest Hemingway
    547. Summer Will Show, Sylvia Townsend Warner
    548. Eyeless In Gaza, Aldous Huxley
    549. The Thinking Reed, Rebecca West
    550. Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell
    551. Keep The Aspidistra Flying, George Orwell
    552. Wild Harbour, Ian MacPherson
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    556. Independent People, Halldór Laxness
    557. Auto-da-Fé, Elias Canetti
    558. The Last Of Mr. Norris, Christopher Isherwood
    559. They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, Horace McCoy
    560. The House In Paris, Elizabeth Bowen
    561. England Made Me, Graham Greene
    562. Burmese Days, George Orwell
    563. The Nine Tailors, Dorothy L. Sayers
    564. Threepenny Novel, Bertolt Brecht
    565. Novel With Cocaine, M. Ageyev
    566. The Postman Always Rings Twice, James M. Cain
    567. Tropic Of Cancer, Henry Miller
    568. A Handful Of Dust, Evelyn Waugh
    569. Tender Is The Night, F. Scott Fitzgerald
    570. Thank You, Jeeves, P.G. Wodehouse
    571. Call It Sleep, Henry Roth
    572. Miss Lonelyhearts, Nathanael West
    573. Murder Must Advertise, Dorothy L. Sayers
    574. The Autobiography Of Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein
    575. Testament Of Youth, Vera Brittain
    576. A Day Off, Storm Jameson
    577. The Man Without Qualities, Robert Musil
    578. Sunset Song, Lewis Grassic Gibbon
    579. Journey To The End Of The Night, Louis-Ferdinand Céline
    580. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
    581. Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons
    582. To The North, Elizabeth Bowen
    583. The Thin Man, Dashiell Hammett
    584. The Radetzky March, Joseph Roth
    585. The Waves, Virginia Woolf
    586. The Glass Key, Dashiell Hammett
    587. Cakes And Ale, W. Somerset Maugham
    588. The Apes Of God, Wyndham Lewis
    589. Her Privates We, Frederic Manning
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    591. The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett
    592. Hebdomeros, Giorgio de Chirico
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    594. A Farewell To Arms, Ernest Hemingway
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    596. Living, Henry Green
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    600. The Last September, Elizabeth Bowen
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    606. Orlando, Virginia Woolf
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    614. Nadja, André Breton
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    621. Blindness, Henry Green
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    636. The Green Hat, Michael Arlen
    637. The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann
    638. We, Yevgeny Zamyatin
    639. A Passage To India, E.M. Forster
    640. The Devil In The Flesh, Raymond Radiguet
    641. Zeno’s Conscience, Italo Svevo
    642. Cane, Jean Toomer
    643. Antic Hay, Aldous Huxley
    644. Amok, Stefan Zweig
    645. The Garden Party, Katherine Mansfield
    646. The Enormous Room, E.E. Cummings
    647. Jacob’s Room, Virginia Woolf
    648. Siddhartha, Herman Hesse
    649. The Glimpses Of The Moon, Edith Wharton
    650. Life And Death Of Harriett Frean, May Sinclair
    651. The Last Days Of Humanity, Karl Kraus
    652. Aaron’s Rod, D.H. Lawrence
    653. Babbitt, Sinclair Lewis
    654. Ulysses, James Joyce
    655. The Fox, D.H. Lawrence
    656. Crome Yellow, Aldous Huxley
    657. The Age Of Innocence, Edith Wharton
    658. Main Street, Sinclair Lewis
    659. Women In Love, D.H. Lawrence
    660. Night And Day, Virginia Woolf
    661. Tarr, Wyndham Lewis
    662. The Return Of The Soldier, Rebecca West
    663. The Shadow Line, Joseph Conrad
    664. Summer, Edith Wharton
    665. Growth Of The Soil, Knut Hamsen
    666. Bunner Sisters, Edith Wharton
    667. A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man, James Joyce
    668. Under Fire, Henri Barbusse
    669. Rashōmon, Akutagawa Ryunosuke
    670. The Good Soldier, Ford Madox Ford
    671. The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf
    672. Of Human Bondage, William Somerset Maugham
    673. The Rainbow, D.H. Lawrence
    674. The Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan
    675. Kokoro, Natsume Soseki
    676. Locus Solus, Raymond Roussel
    677. Rosshalde, Herman Hesse
    678. Tarzan Of The Apes, Edgar Rice Burroughs
    679. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell
    680. Sons And Lovers, D.H. Lawrence
    681. Death In Venice, Thomas Mann
    682. The Charwoman’s Daughter, James Stephens
    683. Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton
    684. Fantômas, Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre
    685. Howards End, E.M. Forster
    686. Impressions Of Africa, Raymond Roussel
    687. Three Lives, Gertrude Stein
    688. Martin Eden, Jack London
    689. Strait Is The Gate, André Gide
    690. Tono-Bungay, H.G. Wells
    691. The Inferno, Henri Barbusse
    692. A Room With A View, E.M. Forster
    693. The Iron Heel, Jack London
    694. The Old Wives’ Tale, Arnold Bennett
    695. The House On The Borderland, William Hope Hodgson
    696. Mother, Maxim Gorky
    697. The Secret Agent, Joseph Conrad
    698. The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
    699. Young Törless, Robert Musil
    700. The Forsyte Saga, John Galsworthy
    701. The House Of Mirth, Edith Wharton
    702. Professor Unrat, Heinrich Mann
    703. Where Angels Fear To Tread, E.M. Forster
    704. Nostromo, Joseph Conrad
    705. Hadrian The Seventh, Frederick Rolfe
    706. The Golden Bowl, Henry James
    707. The Ambassadors, Henry James
    708. The Riddle Of The Sands, Erskine Childers
    709. The Immoralist, André Gide
    710. The Wings Of The Dove, Henry James
    711. Heart Of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
    712. The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    713. Buddenbrooks, Thomas Mann
    714. Kim, Rudyard Kipling
    715. Sister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser
    716. Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad


    1. Some Experiences Of An Irish R.M., Somerville and Ross
    2. The Stechlin, Theodore Fontane
    3. The Awakening, Kate Chopin
    4. The Turn Of The Screw, Henry James
    5. The War Of The Worlds, H.G. Wells
    6. The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells
    7. What Maisie Knew, Henry James
    8. Fruits Of The Earth, André Gide
    9. Dracula, Bram Stoker
    10. Quo Vadis, Henryk Sienkiewicz
    11. The Island Of Dr. Moreau, H.G. Wells
    12. The Time Machine, H.G. Wells
    13. Effi Briest, Theodore Fontane
    14. Jude The Obscure, Thomas Hardy
    15. The Real Charlotte, Somerville and Ross
    16. The Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    17. Born In Exile, George Gissing
    18. Diary Of A Nobody, George & Weedon Grossmith
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    20. News From Nowhere, William Morris
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    24. The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
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    27. By the Open Sea, August Strindberg
    28. Hunger, Knut Hamsun
    29. The Master Of Ballantrae, Robert Louis Stevenson
    30. Pierre And Jean, Guy de Maupassant
    31. Fortunata And Jacinta, Benito Pérez Galdés
    32. The People Of Hemsö, August Strindberg
    33. The Woodlanders, Thomas Hardy
    34. She, H. Rider Haggard
    35. The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson
    36. The Mayor Of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy
    37. Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson
    38. King Solomon’s Mines, H. Rider Haggard
    39. Germinal, Émile Zola
    40. The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
    41. Bel-Ami, Guy de Maupassant
    42. Marius The Epicurean, Walter Pater
    43. Against The Grain, Joris-Karl Huysmans
    44. The Death Of Ivan Ilyich, Leo Tolstoy
    45. A Woman’s Life, Guy de Maupassant
    46. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
    47. The House By The Medlar Tree, Giovanni Verga
    48. The Portrait Of A Lady, Henry James
    49. Bouvard And Pécuchet, Gustave Flaubert
    50. Ben-Hur, Lew Wallace
    51. Nana, Émile Zola
    52. The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky
    53. The Red Room, August Strindberg
    54. Return Of The Native, Thomas Hardy
    55. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
    56. Drunkard, Émile Zola
    57. Virgin Soil, Ivan Turgenev
    58. Daniel Deronda, George Eliot
    59. The Hand Of Ethelberta, Thomas Hardy
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    64. In A Glass Darkly, Sheridan Le Fanu
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    79. Thérèse Raquin, Émile Zola
    80. The Last Chronicle Of Barset, Anthony Trollope
    81. Journey To The Centre Of The Earth, Jules Verne
    82. Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
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    84. Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens
    85. Uncle Silas, Sheridan Le Fanu
    86. Notes From The Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky
    87. The Water-Babies, Charles Kingsley
    88. Les Misérables, Victor Hugo
    89. Fathers And Sons, Ivan Turgenev
    90. Silas Marner, George Eliot
    91. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
    92. On The Eve, Ivan Turgenev
    93. Castle Richmond, Anthony Trollope
    94. The Mill On The Floss, George Eliot
    95. The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins
    96. The Marble Faun, Nathaniel Hawthorne
    97. Max Havelaar, Multatuli
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    99. Oblomovka, Ivan Goncharov
    100. Adam Bede, George Eliot
    101. Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert
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    104. Walden, Henry David Thoreau
    105. Bleak House, Charles Dickens
    106. Villette, Charlotte Brontë
    107. Cranford, Elizabeth Gaskell
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    110. The House Of The Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne
    111. Moby-Dick, Herman Melville
    112. The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
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    114. Shirley, Charlotte Brontë
    115. Mary Barton, Elizabeth Gaskell
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    117. Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
    118. Agnes Grey, Anne Brontë
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    133. Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens
    134. The Nose, Nikolay Gogol
    135. Le Père Goriot, Honoré de Balzac
    136. Eugénie Grandet, Honoré de Balzac
    137. The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo
    138. The Red And The Black, Stendhal
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    143. Melmoth The Wanderer, Charles Robert Maturin
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    145. Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott
    146. Frankenstein, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
    147. Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen
    148. Persuasion, Jane Austen
    149. Ormond, Maria Edgeworth
    150. Rob Roy, Sir Walter Scott
    151. Emma, Jane Austen
    152. Mansfield Park, Jane Austen
    153. Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen
    154. The Absentee, Maria Edgeworth
    155. Sense And Sensibility, Jane Austen
    156. Elective Affinities, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    157. Castle Rackrent, Maria Edgeworth


    1. Hyperion, Friedrich Hölderlin
    2. The Nun, Denis Diderot
    3. Camilla, Fanny Burney
    4. The Monk, M.G. Lewis
    5. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    6. The Mysteries of Udolpho, Ann Radcliffe
    7. The Interesting Narrative, Olaudah Equiano
    8. The Adventures Of Caleb Williams, William Godwin
    9. Justine, Marquis de Sade
    10. Vathek, William Beckford
    11. The 120 Days Of Sodom, Marquis de Sade
    12. Cecilia, Fanny Burney
    13. Confessions, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    14. Dangerous Liaisons, Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
    15. Reveries Of A Solitary Walker, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    16. Evelina, Fanny Burney
    17. The Sorrows Of Young Werther, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    18. Humphrey Clinker, Tobias George Smollett
    19. The Man Of Feeling, Henry Mackenzie
    20. A Sentimental Journey, Laurence Sterne
    21. Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne
    22. The Vicar Of Wakefield, Oliver Goldsmith
    23. The Castle Of Otranto, Horace Walpole
    24. Émile; Or, On Education, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    25. Rameau’s Nephew, Denis Diderot
    26. Julie; Or, the New Eloise, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    27. Rasselas, Samuel Johnson
    28. Candide, Voltaire
    29. The Female Quixote, Charlotte Lennox
    30. Amelia, Henry Fielding
    31. Peregrine Pickle, Tobias George Smollett
    32. Fanny Hill, John Cleland
    33. Tom Jones, Henry Fielding
    34. Roderick Random, Tobias George Smollett
    35. Clarissa, Samuel Richardson
    36. Pamela, Samuel Richardson
    37. Jacques The Fatalist, Denis Diderot
    38. Memoirs Of Martinus Scriblerus, J. Arbuthnot, J. Gay, T. Parnell, A. Pope, J. Swift
    39. Joseph Andrews, Henry Fielding
    40. A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift
    41. Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift
    42. Roxana, Daniel Defoe
    43. Moll Flanders, Daniel Defoe
    44. Love In Excess, Eliza Haywood
    45. Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
    46. A Tale Of A Tub, Jonathan Swift


    1. Oroonoko, Aphra Behn
    2. The Princess Of Clèves, Comtesse de La Fayette
    3. The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan
    4. Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
    5. The Unfortunate Traveller, Thomas Nashe
    6. Euphues: The Anatomy Of Wit, John Lyly
    7. Gargantua And Pantagruel, Françoise Rabelais
    8. The Thousand And One Nights, Anonymous
    9. The Golden Ass, Lucius Apuleius
    10. Aithiopika, Heliodorus
    11. Chaireas And Kallirhoe, Chariton
    12. Metamorphoses, Ovid
    13. Aesop’s Fables, Aesopus
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