Monday, April 27

Thought: Branding

Each individual has a personality of their very own, a look of their own and a voice of their own - these work as perfect criteria for 'branding' oneself. Once branded, we can use the promotional tools made available to us in this ever-evolving and expanding Web 2.0 generation, so as to market ourselves and broadcast ourselves to the world.

I plan on using the following tools as a means of promoting JGB.

- Where am I?
- What am I doing?
- Who do I spend time with?
- How do I feel about... ?

- Networking with bands.
- Creating contacts.
- Securing interviews.
- Gaining access to shows.

- Share my life with my community of friends through images, videos, status updates, etc.

- Thoughts, opinions, rants, brags, etc.
- Writing: Reviews, essays, etc.
- Talents and hobbie showcasing: Cooking, writing, photography, modeling.
- Bi-weekly Music Blog
- Film Blog
- Pocasting: Toronto Music Scene

- Life documenting: Video logs of where I am, what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, who I'm doing it with, how I feel, what I think, etc.

- Music sharing.
- Making playlists.


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