What is it that drives me to sit and concentrate on untangling the web within my mind? I just got back from a documentary related to: internet, social networking, private vs public lives, marketing, etc. These are my passions. As soon as I am surrounded by them, they get into my thought process, they stimulate my drive and get my gears into motion.
I need to watch movies, research, read and then write about these topics of passion. As soon as I surround myself with the fruits of my desires, I FEEL them infiltrate my being and propel me into motion. This drive is essential for prioritizing my time and energy.
At this point and time in my life, I'm feel like I'm ready to put aside things that aren't working towards what gets me closer to my goals. In order to live, I must work my 9-5. In order to build my future, I must invest my post 9-5 and weekend time to my project. Drinking consumes this evening and weekend time, which should be my most productive time. It is essential that I realize how valuable this time is. If I can maintain the motivation by stimulating my mind with the right materials, then I can use the time I have accordingly.
Saying and sensing that I am going to do something is not enough. Action must take place in order to get the wheels in motion. One of my strongest abilities is time management and self discipline - these are the qualities that will allow for me to make something of myself and it's time for me to apply this ability.
This means so much to me, but I need get beyond fantasizing about my ability to make this happen. I need to constantly remind myself that action must take precedence and the only way to FEEL this reminder is to surround myself with the materials that motivate productivity.
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