Thursday, April 23

On Ambition

MONDAY, JULY 28, 2008

I am a passionate being - I want to live as much of this life as I possibly can. I want to travel, I want to discover everything in my surroundings, I want to meet people and put myself in a position to be challenged, to grow and to learn on an everyday basis.

The various experiences I would expose myself to would open doors for me on many levels. I want to create opportunities for myself in many fields: Writing, Directing, Producing, etc. I want to be able to network with people all over the world, in my various areas of interest.

The particulars of my past have led me to gain certain mental abilities leading to awareness, self actualization, self confidence and an overall ease that is easily sensed and accomodated by others. I am gifted with these qualities, and feel as though it is my destiny to use them to their utmost capacity - which means applying myself by helping/connecting with others.

Ability to read other's energy. Ability to adapt to other's energy. Give off a sense of ease, stability - make others comfortable/trusting. Thirst for knowledge. Desire to learn and grow. Witty. Funny. Ability to adapt to any situation. Ability to manage stress. Ability to communicate. Ability to confront problem solve rationally. Ability to supress emotional and allow rational to convene. The gift of gab. Compassionate. Understanding. Passionate. Motivated to put abilities to use - to be the best person that I can possibly be, within this lifetime.


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