Thursday, April 23

On Being Understanding


I value people for who they are, in hopes that others will reciprocate and value me for who I am. I try to approach people from an open space - I realize that each one of us has reasons for acting, reacting, thinking and living certain ways. I apply this understanding to everyday situations, just as much as I apply it to understanding people's personalities and emotional complexes. We are all subject to inferences that result in subjective reactions built by years of experiences during our personal evolution - whether it be biologically related, family related, survival related, trauma related or any other relation that implicates human drives and senses.

I feel I have been gifted with understanding, I feel that everyone has a right to their ways - we all satisfy our needs (long term and immediate) in relation to our own subjective experience... as long as we don't inflict pain or intentional negative energy onto another, it is only natural that we live for and react in our own ways, as our lives are the only things we have control over.


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