Saturday, December 19

YouTube Channels – Broadcasting and Connecting

I awoke this morning and did some research on the ways that people are projecting their lives and personalities to the world through YouTube. I was so happy to find what seems to be a whole younger generation of teenagers documenting their lives, meeting and getting to know one another without any personal contact. They’re posting videos, songs, snippets of their everyday lives, their jobs, their pet peeves, their quirks and people are relating and responding to them.

I feel a little behind on the times, but I’m keen on setting up my own YouTube channel where I too can project myself into the internet and to its world of watchers. I hope to connect with those that have mastered this art and I could definitely learn a thing or two from them (i.e simple video editing, what kind of time and energy goes into regularly uploading content )

Here is a prime example of YouTube’s quirky characters:

5 girls who don’t know one another personally, getting to know one another through online mediums, opening up to one another, sharing their lives, documenting their ups and downs, building bonds and connections.

It’s obvious that the internet offers opportunities to connect with others, share interests and information, but I don’t think we realize yet how common this will become in the future. I foresee us projecting our lives into the internet and turning it into a sort of reality television broadcasting channel. Why pay for expensive productions and air time when we can go online and tune into the lives of people we know and are able to connect with personally?

Things that come to mind:
- Starting discourses: On pop-culture, common interests, politics, causes, etc.
- Personalities: Users aren’t shy with the camera, as they very well may be with people in person – this allows for them to open up and show a side that they may have trouble conveying one on one. Too many people feel as though they can’t be themselves in public and get down on themselves for not being able to connect with people and thrive on sharing and taking part in what’s meaningful to them.  
- Passions and interests: When someone is passionate and knowledgeable about something, it becomes easy to watch and learn from them and opens a forum for discussion.
- Relating and connecting: When we relate to something, we want to share our part and build a sort of community for like-minded people to get together, share and relate.


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